Generative AI & Data-driven Solutions for daily Business Challenges

Your AI business consultant

Data analyses and answers to your business challenges within seconds.

As easy as this

Upload or connect your data

Simply drag and drop your data or establish a connection to your systems.


Ask your question

Let Scavenger AI know your problem, which can be as simple as “How can I improve my profit?”


Let Scavenger AI do the work

Scavenger AI cleans your data, runs statistical models and converts them into the best possible answer.



Receive your results

The platform answers your question in a dashboard, enriches it with industry data and lets you interact.

Accelerate decision-making

Save time with Scavenger and free up additional resources by automating your data analysis.

Find what really matters

Pinpoint the drivers of business success by letting Scavenger AI find all relations inside your data.

Our AI-Tools

Use Scavenger AI as a whole or only the tools you need.


Stop manual data cleaning.

Our AI-tool automatically detects anomalies in datasets and cleans the data.


Stop developing complex algorithms.

Our AI-tool automatically creates the right mathematical algorithm based on your question.


Stop uninformed decision-making.

Our AI-tool translates your company data and statistical findings into answers to your question.

Companies we work with